Australian Angler’s Association (S.A. Div.) – Peak angling body in SA, with which WDAC is affiliated.
SA Piscatorial Council – Management of fish capture records.
PIRSA Fisheries – Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) Fisheries and Aquaculture is the government agency responsible for the ecologically sustainable development of South Australia’s aquatic resources. Widely viewed as a national leader in fisheries management, the division develops and implements policies, legislation and regulatory frameworks and conducts education, monitoring and compliance programs to maximise social and economic benefits to the South Australian community.
SA Sea Rescue – The SA Sea Rescue Squadron is a Volunteer Marine Rescue organisation serving the Boating public of South Australia. Bases are located in the Adelaide Metro area, Wirrina, Edithburgh and the Copper Coast.
Strike & Hook – SA’s online fishing community dedicated to fishing In South Australia – created, supported & backed by people in the industry.
FishinSA – Recreational fishing community dedicated to fishing In South Australia.
Guide to Fishing Knots, Hooks, Bait and Lures – A good site for learning to tie various knots.